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Coronavirus Disease 2019

10 Healthy Activities to Take Your Mind Off Coronavirus

Use this time to grow and flourish, not to panic.

We are awash with non-stop information, fear, anxiety, and dread about the coronavirus pandemic. Quite frankly, a lot of the things I read and hear scare the heck out of me. But I remain the eternal optimist.

I started thinking about some simple, positive things you can do that are in line with the “social distancing” being encouraged right now.

These healthy activities can help take you away, physically or mentally, at least for a little while, from all the fear and worry associated with this terribly unprecedented situation. Perhaps these ideas can even bring you a few moments of calm and comfort.

Source: leremy/canstockphoto

1. Get outside alone in nature. Now is a great time to take a hike in the mountains, walk on a deserted beach or in a forest, take a canoe ride, or sail on the ocean. Get away from people and enjoy the warmth of the sun and the splendor of nature.

2. Catch up on your reading. Curl up on your sofa, in bed, or in your favorite chair. Read all those escapist fiction novels, illuminating history works, fun recipe books, or whatever else you enjoy.

3. Talk to your friends. Perhaps you can’t always talk in person, but text, call, or FaceTime. Catch up with friends and family, tell jokes, reminisce about the good ol' days, and help support each other through this.

4. Re-engage with your hobbies. Get back to crocheting, knitting, guitar or piano playing, digitizing all those old photographs, bake a cake, write that novel. Now’s the time.

5. Clean, de-clutter, and organize. Since you may be inside a fair amount, tackle that junk drawer, closet, garage, or all those boxes stacked in the basement. Use the professional organizer’s system: separate into piles of “Keep,” “Donate,” or “Trash.”

6. Spend time with your family. While you’re not able to socialize with outside groups, create fun family events, such as game nights, favorite show binge-watches, craft projects, take on a home improvement project, or talk (yes, talk!) with one another about your goals and dreams.

7. Add some wellness to your routine. Figure out a great 20-minute home workout, go on walks, try healthy recipes, learn how to meditate, do yoga, pray, or journal. All of these can help you reduce stress and anxiety.

8. Work on the bucket list. Yes, normal life and travel will resume again at some point. Do research and scout out great spots for your next fun trip. Write down all the great future events, activities, places, and goals you want to see and experience.

9. Rest. De-stress through ample sleep and rest. Practice relaxation techniques. Listen to calming music and recordings of nature sounds (forest, ocean, beach). Just do nothing. Sit outside and take time to notice and appreciate all the sights, sounds, and smells around you.

10. Be grateful. Take an inventory of the many good things and blessings in your life. Write them down. Start a gratitude journal. Say thanks to those you love and care about and tell them why you appreciate them.

Yes, these are incredibly stressful and trying times, but this too shall pass. Take time for self-care and to care for others in your life. Keep things in perspective. Be reassuring to those who are fearful. We will make it.

Copyright David Susman 2020

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